
Woke up with a renewed spirit this morning! Thankful for God’s grace and mercy and keeping me in my right mind! Life can come at you in 45 different ways, BUT GOD! His gift of the Holy Spirit dwells within and guides me through all the things seen and unseen. God is there with us […]


Just when you think you can’t go on….you start crawling in your weakness! God’s strength picks you up as the door opens. Don’t just walk through…run through with a loud praise! Whooooo… glad I made it! Thank You Jesus the victory is mine! #withstandingthetrialwitheverlastingfaith


Just wanted to share this testimony with you guys….Having nice things and doing things is great BUT knowing who blesses you is most important. It’s the memories of the moments that mean more. As my husband and I continue to follow God, we pray about every area of our lives to grow together as a […]

The moment

Sometimes I wish I slowed down more and enjoyed the moments. I rushed through so many during the years, just to make it to the next. Exhausted, to only do it again. I thought I had time until the next moment only to realize the next moments never come. God grants us the gift of […]

Glory Through The Tears

After my mother passed, I never really grieved. It was so much to do from emptying out her apartment to closing accounts to taking care of everyone else. It all happened so fast. She had some illnesses, but nothing I thought would take her from us so quickly. As I look back, she was declining, […]

Small Things

I love when God speaks to me. It can be through such a simple action and His presence just overwhelms me. It’s always taking a deeper look at things…like my plants. This morning, I was checking on my plants and talking to them like I usually do on my off days. Lol Opening the blinds […]

Hopeful, yet Gracefully Broken

Shattered dreams once again. You have the faith bigger than a mustard seed, with hope that a person will acknowledge you. A hope that allows the hurt to hit harder and harder each time. A hope that will make you smile and excited when for once they acknowledge you and show you a glimmer that […]

Life’s Hiccups

I’m quietly sitting here contemplating how life can truly change in an instant. One minute you can be sailing through the soft waters of life full of blessings and then the next minute, sitting down looking like a deer in headlights. Blind sighted by the turmoil of not only daily routine, BUT LIFE! I feel […]

The Touch of Love

Have you ever wondered what love would feel like? Sure, we think of the butterflies dancing in our bellies, goosebumps on our arms, or soft kisses to our foreheads or even making love. Yet, tonight was very different. I felt love very different from what I experienced in the past. As my husband sat on […]

Last Day of 2016

I died in 2016! No, not literally, but when I rededicated my life to Christ something happened. On Friday, September 9th, a new me came out of the water. The Holy Spirit told me to put on my full armour of God because I was getting ready for battle. I didn’t quite grasp the fullness […]