
Woke up with a renewed spirit this morning! Thankful for God’s grace and mercy and keeping me in my right mind! Life can come at you in 45 different ways, BUT GOD! His gift of the Holy Spirit dwells within and guides me through all the things seen and unseen. God is there with us in everything, every minute of every day!! He sent His son Jesus to pay the ultimate sacrifice that we could NEVER do…die on a cross for our sins and raised on the 3rd day to forever watch over us at God’s right hand.

My family is truly blessed! I used to think of size as a grievance because many have their mansions in the sky. Others are doing their own lives and I’m finally ok with that. No matter the relationship or previous unrealistic expectations or stories I told myself, I realize it’s ok! A moment of peace and clarity wash over me and calmness sets in. The sting doesn’t hurt like it used to and in that stillness, there is healing! ❤️‍🩹

Your journey, your pictures, your memories are exactly what they are…YOURS! Not to be compared to anyone else’s journey. We make time for the things that are important to us and the greatest gift is being present in the moment! Be at peace, enjoy the conversations and most of all Be LOVE! ❤️

Be thankful not only today, but everyday God gives you!


Just when you think you can’t go on….you start crawling in your weakness! God’s strength picks you up as the door opens. Don’t just walk through…run through with a loud praise! Whooooo… glad I made it! Thank You Jesus the victory is mine! #withstandingthetrialwitheverlastingfaith


Just wanted to share this testimony with you guys….Having nice things and doing things is great BUT knowing who blesses you is most important. It’s the memories of the moments that mean more. As my husband and I continue to follow God, we pray about every area of our lives to grow together as a married couple is #1. God shows us we are One in Him. When BIG and even the smallest things happen, we are doing it together and have a peace about it. People don’t always see the struggles, tears, arguments, etc. But once we surrendered to His will….our hearts, minds, attitudes and circumstances changed. Every season you are in, is preparing you for the next. When we tithe, we honor God first. Trust me, we haven’t always been here. Yes, we have our struggles, BUT God has NEVER left us and has ALWAYS shown up and out when we do it HIS way! At the end of the day…we are all flawed individuals following Him and His word so we make it to heaven.

We are at a stage in life where we do most things together. You suddenly realize your bestie is right next to you. Lol We laugh together, have fun, be goofy, talk and just enjoy each other. Many times we were looking around trying to find something we thought was missing only for God to turn our heads back at each other.
Life….is just amazing and each day is a gift, so with a thankful and grateful heart….enjoy!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

The moment

Sometimes I wish I slowed down more and enjoyed the moments. I rushed through so many during the years, just to make it to the next. Exhausted, to only do it again. I thought I had time until the next moment only to realize the next moments never come. God grants us the gift of a day and now, I engulf my day, like sitting at a buffet of my favorite meals. Lol I want to be present and take in the looks of the person, the tone of their voices during conversation and aromas of whatever we are eating. To hear the laughter, wipe the tears or just bask in the silence of unspoken thoughts is precious. It’s ok to just be….be with the person, be alone, enjoy the music, embrace the arts and fall in love with Jesus over and over again!! The moment may pass, but the memory and how it made you feel will always remain!!

Boiling Eggs

As I was boiling my eggs this morning, didn’t think much of it. I grabbed 4 eggs, put them in a pot, ran cold water over them and put them on the stove on med high. I sprinkled a little salt in the water to help them peel easier. I walked away to the bedroom and returned about 15 minutes later to boiling water and water splatters on my stove. Naturally, I turn the vent on and wiped down my stove first. Just like our environment, we gotta tidy it up and remove the smoke that may cloud our thoughts. Now, as I was looking at the boiling eggs, God spoke to me. He said we are like those eggs. We are all the same inside and this is how the world/people affects us. From the inside out. The eggs can be runny if not cooked long enough, over cooked or just right. We can sit in a situation or with the wrong people for too long. Even though a situation may have stopped in a relationship….it can keep festering us on the inside. Our hearts can be broken, chipped away or healed. Just like we turn the eggs off, but when they remain on the eye, they continue boiling. It wasn’t until I removed the entire pot to another eye, did the water stop boiling and calm down to allow the eggs to rest. I ran cold water over them to allow them to cool down before I peel them shortly. God calms us down on the inside and will always provide a way out of a situations. It’s up to us to see it and follow Him. We seemingly want to stay out of loyalty or being comfortable. This can be a job, friendship, love life or even a place we patronize. When the course of our time is ended…we need to move on. Why do we wait for the bottom to fall out to move?? Just like if I waited too long to come back and check on the eggs, the water evaporates and pot begins to burn. The eggs well may be ok, but most likely not. Just like we pour ourselves into people or projects and it drains us. We feel exhausted and it can spiral down a rabbit hole. We need to tap into the source to be refilled which is like setting a timer to remind you to check on the eggs. It’s time to allow God to complete His work in us. Don’t be the overcooked eggs on the same eye!! Move over, still our hearts and be well cooked on the inside. We may be a little hard to peel sometimes and that’s natural, but that inside will always be oh so delicious!!

Glory Through The Tears

After my mother passed, I never really grieved. It was so much to do from emptying out her apartment to closing accounts to taking care of everyone else. It all happened so fast. She had some illnesses, but nothing I thought would take her from us so quickly. As I look back, she was declining, but she was a fighter! She always would bounce back. We had just found out she had cancer and she was about to find out what type it was a few days before she passed. God spoke to me that night He was calling her home. I listened to His voice and called my brother to meet us at hospital. Usually, I would go and just call him later. Something was different this time. Honestly, I felt it but kept praying it wasn’t that. How do you prepare yourself for your mother passing? You don’t! You just go through it! She was tying up loose ends as we think back. She texted my brother and I Saturday out of the blue telling us how much she loved us and appreciated us. God called her home Sunday morning, July 18, 2021. Today, feels like that day all over again. I didn’t get a chance to say bye. She passed between the time the ambulance rolled her in the door and the room of the hospital. When I saw her, they were working on her and I knew at that moment she was gone! I kissed her and told her we would be ok and to rest in the master’s arms. I miss her sooo much and my heart is empty. I feel alone, yet surrounded by my close family. It’s a part of you that feels like the little kid who goes to daycare the first day and crying when mommy leaves. You know you will be ok, but want mommy none the less. I have her things and some still smell like her. We talked every day. She knew in my voice whatever was wrong and she was right even when I tried to keep things from her. She was my little lady and I was preparing to take care of her as things declined. But God had other plans. God is amazing and has carried me through allowing me to understand her death was her peace and healing. No matter the tears that fall, I know she is rejoicing with Him as she lived her life for Him!! She left her mark and with Gods grace I pray to leave mine when He calls me home. I’m in a place of what’s next for me Lord, please show me! Sometimes I feel lost and so alone. I’m patient and going deeper in my relationship with Him and cherish every moment. I will cry….yet, I have peace that overwhelms me at this very moment. I’m grateful!


Sometimes you have to just jump out there!! I was driving home from taking my son to school this morning and just jumped out there. There was no traffic to left but some coming to right. Usually I would wait but I went. I jumped in the middle lane, one car needed to pass and I jumped over. Felt pretty good because I usually wait. The Holy Spirit spoke at just that moment l, it’s time to move! No more just sitting back waiting for all things to clear, but you have to get out of your comfort zone! I can no longer sit back and wait for everything to fall into place. You move and I watched traffic flow in my favor on the way home!! See what God can do in just traffic….But just imagine what He is doing in the bigger picture of things you don’t even see yet. I’m excited!! I’m expecting GREAT THINGS!! Confident Expectations!!

Penny For Your Thoughts!

Have you ever just had a moment to just pause and reflect on life?? Yeah, neither have I! LOL Just kidding….I have started be more diligent to regain my focus here lately. Sometimes we only do it when we go through hard times and maybe good times, but our perspective can be off. This is mainly due to our current circumstances because of what are mind are set on. My alignment is really off when I’m not in tune with my true self and God. You talk about a train wreck waiting to happen..LOL It sure wouldn’t be a penny for your thoughts, but more like a million dollars for just one. Our minds are so powerful and when you realize our God is greater…WOW!! God is not limited to in the box thinking, He wants us to think on things He has for us, which is LIMITLESS! He can do exceedingly above all that we can think or ask!! Trust Him.

“Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.”
‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭3:20-21‬ ‭KJV‬‬

Small Things

I love when God speaks to me. It can be through such a simple action and His presence just overwhelms me. It’s always taking a deeper look at things…like my plants. This morning, I was checking on my plants and talking to them like I usually do on my off days. Lol Opening the blinds to let some light in. My mom loved her plants and she would always talk to them. She had a green thumb as they say, but that trait didn’t trickle down to me. Lol When my mother passed last year, I took one of her easiest plants and one of the gifts…a peace lily. So far they are doing good. I named hers after her, Gloria and the lilies, I call ladies. I saw a few brown leaves at the bottom, so I began to remove what I saw. As I started looking closer, there were a few more. So I got my plant trimmers out to remove them without damaging the other leaves. As I began digging deeper into the plant, I could see more. This is when God began to speak. Sometimes we just look at surface issues without going deeper and getting to the root of things. We have to remove the dead things from our lives. As I continued, it cleared out space to see through all the leaves. Reminded me of when we take a deep, cleansing breath and exhale. We can see perspective like we couldn’t see when we were mad, anxious, worried or sad. Same with our prayer life, it takes into a deeper relationship with God. We experience Him in everything and especially the little things. God opens our eyes to see things as He would. Not everything, but gradually on our level of understanding. It felt so relaxing and peaceful this morning. Just a moment of clarity to bask in His presence. In life, we go so fast and can miss the “small” meaningful things. Just a few moments, has changed the course of my day. So don’t allow dead things to continue to weigh you down and hide the beautiful things God is revealing. Free Yourself and enjoy ALL God has in store for you!

“Then he turned to his disciples and said privately, “Blessed are the eyes that see what you see. For I tell you that many prophets and kings wanted to see what you see but did not see it, and to hear what you hear but did not hear it.””
‭‭Luke‬ ‭10:23-24‬ ‭NIV‬‬


When you realize you can’t expect people to meet you at your level, especially when it’s only in your head. They can only do what their level is and you can’t expect you out of others. Alot of hurt can happen on both ends, when the above happens. God can allow relationships to be restored and renewed, if you allow Him to do the work. Many times God begins His work in you first, so you start the healing process to be able to view the person or even accept the person where they are capable of giving. Oh, but He is not done! He will continue to work on you and the person through prayer and patience, if you TRUST Him. Years can pass, but remember all things happen in God’s time, not ours! See the word GRACE runs deep inside, because His Grace is sufficient. His Grace renews each day! Selah! The understanding of that word and that sentence can begin to unlock a flood of emotions that need to be healed. Do the work, even if the healing is just for you….you’re worth it! A person may think their own ways are right, but the Lord weighs the heart. To do what is right and just is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice. Proverbs 21:2-3 NIV